Tag Archive | photos

May Happenings

Art Scarpa made a return visit to EAGC, this time to show members how to assemble a terrarium. With plants, containers & materials supplied by Art, members quickly transformed empty jars into beautiful mini-gardens. As always, Art was an excellent source of plant information and humor. (See copies of Art’s terrarium preparation and care instructions here.)


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As always, refreshments were lovely to look at as well as delicious!

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At the same meeting, Environment & Conservation provided a helpful display on controlling pests in the garden, without resorting to harmful chemicals.


E&C also announced plans for their annual summer party. This year’s theme: Appleicious Afternoon. Sign-up for the August 17 party has started.  For party details, click on Appleicious Afternoon Information. A sign-up sheet will be available at the June 14 luncheon or contact Linda V or Edie to sign up.


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On May 25, Nance J and her Beautification crew went to work cleaning up the bandstand area and installing the new plantings. Their hard work and the beautiful result are evident in these pictures. Judging by the big smiles, it appears that everyone enjoyed the morning.



Decking The Halls!

We’ve been busy with making the yuletide bright! We even got ourselves a little something for the bandstand! Thanks to Ann H. and Nance for the pictures.

Spiffy New Sign for the Bandstand!

Spiffy New Sign for the Bandstand!

DYI Snowmen made at the Make It & Take It event held in early December

DYI Snowmen made at the Make It & Take It event held in early December

A delicate operation...

A delicate operation…


Keeping busy at the Make It & Take It party.



Arranging greens at the Historical Society

Decorating the sign with a little help from our friends!

Decorating the sign with a little help from our friends!


Makin’ a wreath.

Pretty Entranceway

Pretty Entranceway



2013 Mini-Grant Works

Mini-Grant Dollars in action!

Here are some of the projects that were completed with help from our mini-grants in 2013. The seacoast is an even more beautiful place now! Thanks to the Environment & Conservation Committee for making this happen.

There is still time to apply for a 2014 grant. Check it out!

The Danielle Harmon Garden at Stratham Hill Park     Danielle Harmon Garden

Educational Herb Garden at Kingston Community Library

Kingston Library

Zen-inspired garden on Route 33 in Stratham         Dena Stern Garden

Water Street garden in Exeter

Water Street Garden

Stratham Historical Society building gardens

Stratham Historical Society

Kids’ Park Island garden in Exeter

Kids' Park Gwen Kenney

Herb garden at the Tuck Museum in Hampton

Hampton Historical Society

Knock-out roses for the island garden on Routes 111 and 27

David Briden Traffic Island

Center Street Circle garden in Exeter


Swasey Parkway gardens in Exeter

Swasey Parkway Volunteers

“A Splash of Color” at the Exeter Senior Center

Exeter Senior Center

A garden in front of the Exeter Housing Authority

Exeter Housing Authority

               A “Garden of Eatin” at the entrance to Seacoast Family Promise

Family Promise Veggie Garden