Job Description – Recording Secretary

The recording secretary shall record and transcribe the minutes at both the board meetings and the general meetings. These minutes will include all actions taken by the board and general membership. The recording secretary will take attendance at the board meetings, of board members and count other attendees. The recording secretary will count and record the number of attendees at general meetings. The recording secretary will email the minutes of the board and general meetings to the president for approval.

After corrections of the email-approved minutes, they are sent to the web manager for inclusion on the EAGC website. This shall be done in a timely fashion, so members have time to peruse the minutes before their approval at the next meeting.

The recording secretary is expected to attend as many board and general meetings as possible during the year and to designate a substitute if unable to attend.

The recording secretary shall be custodian of these minutes for three years or deliver said minutes to the next Recording Secretary