Job Description – Treasurer

The treasurer shall keep all financial records and present a monthly or quarterly statement to the board and general membership at meetings. The treasurer shall pay all bills that are accompanied by a signed voucher, shall complete and file all appropriate tax forms, and maintain current liability insurance policies.

The treasurer shall collect dues and account for all other income received by members designated to accept such and record this under the proper committee (i.e. Ways and Means, Membership, etc.). The treasurer shall inform the bank of any changes in the names of treasurer and president and provide any necessary signatures. The treasure shall submit all non-budgeted requests for amounts of more than $50 to the board for approval.

The treasurer will serve as chairperson of the budget committee and shall prepare a budget showing proposed expenditures and anticipated income and present it to the board and the general membership for approval in May. The treasurer will present an annual report at the general meeting in September.

The treasurer is expected to attend as many board meetings as possible during the year. The treasurer is authorized by the board to appoint an assistant treasurer when deemed necessary.