This year’s recipient of the Commercial Civic Beautification Award is the Squamscott View Apartments, 277 Water Street, Exeter. The following people were recognized for their contributions to these gardens: CJ Harding Smith, maintenance supervisor; Matt Berube, manager for the Town of Exeter Water and Sewer; Mary Dupre, former resident and founder of the flower gardens; Sally McRae, resident and current coordinator of the flower gardens; and Margaret Niland, resident and coordinator of the vegetable gardens.
CJ Harding Smith Matt Berube Mary Dupre Sally McRae
The Residential Civic Beautification Award was presented to John and Doreen Andriola, 14 Breakfast Hill Rd., Greenland.

These are photos of the outstanding gardens designed and maintained by our hardworking and talented award recipients:
Raised vegetable beds at Squamscott View Apts Flower beds at Squamscott View Produce from raised beds Vegetable beds
The Andriola’s front entry Patio area designed & built by the Andriolas Andriola gardens Andriola gardens