AWARDS members discover and select local gardens for recognition of horticultural excellence in both residential and commercial categories. They present the awards at a ceremony each year.
CIVIC BEAUTIFICATION members maintain the Veterans’ Garden at Stratham Hill Park and the gardens at the American Independence Museum. At Christmastime the Exeter Historical Society is decorated.
COMMUNICATIONS members are responsible for content on the club Website and Facebook. They work on public relations through publicity and coordinating with outside groups.
DESIGN members come up with and conduct creative design workshops.
ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION members introduce information on current environmental and conservation issues at each meeting. They develop and publicize the annual Beautification Mini-Grant program and select worthy recipients.
HORTICULTURE members present information on all things hort at meetings and on the website’s Hort Tips page.
HOSPITALITY members bring refreshments and centerpieces for meetings and help set the room up. They also host the Holiday and June luncheons.
MEMBERSHIP welcomes members and guests to the meetings. Member information is maintained, the Yearbook is produced and dues are collected.
PROGRAMS members research, select and schedule speakers for the meetings as well as coordinate occasional meetings with other garden clubs.
WAYS & MEANS members develop and implement fundraising projects to support the club’s budget with activities amongst club members via the Promise Tree and those including the local community.