In a first for EAGC, three Civic Beautification Awards were presented at our October 19 meeting. In addition to our Residential and Commercial Awards, the Awards Committee also gave a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Awards were presented to:
Jack Fermery of Hampton Falls received the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award. A photo of a bit of his beautiful gardens show why he earned this award.

Elizabeth Niebling of Exeter was presented with the Residential Award. Her gardens are a wonderful example of all that can be accomplished on a modestly-sized town property.

The Commercial Beautification Award went to Robin Davis (partner of Jamie Lopez, owner of Inn at the Bandstand). The Inn’s location at the center of Exeter near the bandstand is the perfect location for a front garden and planters that help beautify the historic downtown.

Jack Fermery, Elizabeth Niebling, Robin Davis, and Judy Roberts, EAGC member