We are pleased to announce the 2016 Mini-Grant recipients. We look forward to seeing their gardens in bloom. Congratulations to:
1. Doreen Carson- Folsom Family Marker
Intersection of High St. and Drinkwater, Exeter
2. Susan Riffert – Granite YMCA
550 Peverly Hill Rd, Portsmouth
3. Jenn Montplaisir – Rockingham County Rehab & Nursing Center
117 North Rd, Brentwood
4. Richard Sanders – Lone Tree Camp
12 West Shore Park Rd. Kinston
5. Peter Taylor – American Independence Museum
1 Governor’s Lane Exeter
6. Evelyn Nathan – Kingston Recreational Camp
Main St. Kingston
7. Eva Kamndanis – Harvey-Mitchell Memorial Library
151 Main St. Epping
8. Kathy Barker – Exeter United Methodist Church
Roadside signs on Epping Rd. about 1.5 miles from church, one by Beach Hill Rd, and one by Race Track
9. Stratham Memorial School, 39 Gifford Farm Rd., Stratham
Companion pollinator Garden
Click here to see photos of 2016 Mini-Grant Gardens