Tag Archive | design


Ikebana Lessons for Our Gardens

Even if you do not aspire to make arrangements like the ones that Merle Schlesinger created before our eyes there is much to take away from her program.  Whether you draw out a design for your garden or (as is too often the case with me) wander around with pots of new plants in your arms trying to figure out where to put them, your garden will make you happier if you follow some of the ikebana principles.  Here are some I jotted down as Merle spoke:

  • Place your plants to encourage the eye to travel.  This is true whether you are planting a bowl of succulents or an acre.

  • Pay attention to negative space. The space between your plants is part of the design.

  • Plant in odd numbers and slightly off kilter.  Merle demonstrated this by creating a triangle with unequal sides. To use another example, if you are planting   a bunch  of daylily divisions place them in teardrop shape rather than a perfect circle.

  • Place plants with attention to mass, line, color (remember green counts as many colors), shape, and texture.

  • Keep in mind that a pleasing design has elements that advance and recede.  This effect can be created quite literally or more playfully with color and forced or false perspective.

  • With each of her designs Merle was careful to disguise her pin holder.  Similarly in the landscape it is usually a good idea to anchor specimen plants with underplantings.

  • Merle did not mention this but I noticed that she used repetition.

  • Finally, be sure to walk around and look at your garden from lots of angles, preferably with a glass of your favorite beverage.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         – Becky Mitchell

This entry was posted on November 19, 2016, in Club News and tagged .

Decking The Halls!

We’ve been busy with making the yuletide bright! We even got ourselves a little something for the bandstand! Thanks to Ann H. and Nance for the pictures.

Spiffy New Sign for the Bandstand!

Spiffy New Sign for the Bandstand!

DYI Snowmen made at the Make It & Take It event held in early December

DYI Snowmen made at the Make It & Take It event held in early December

A delicate operation...

A delicate operation…


Keeping busy at the Make It & Take It party.



Arranging greens at the Historical Society

Decorating the sign with a little help from our friends!

Decorating the sign with a little help from our friends!


Makin’ a wreath.

Pretty Entranceway

Pretty Entranceway



Art in Bloom Show

Art in BloomCome to the  Ogunquit Museum of American Art  4th annual “Art in Bloom” show!


Art in Bloom 2Floral designers from the Piscataqua Garden Club will create floral arrangements inspired by 15 paintings and sculptures from their permanent collection as well as from the current exhibition. “Art in Bloom” is open during regular Museum hours.

On Saturday, June 14, at 2 pm, is a floral design lecture entitled, “Interpreting Art with Flowers” by some of the arrangers who will explain the inspiration and thought process of their designs.

Also on Saturday from 11am to 2pm, Cape Neddick printmaker, photographer and OMAA docent, Linda Payne Sylvester, will be in the Shop at OMAA to showcase her floral prints.

Thanks to Mimi for sending this to us.

The Artful Arrangers

The last meeting was a ton of fun what with the pot swap, tea tasting, yummy noshes, 5 guests and the main event – “Art in Bloom”. The Artful Arrangers, a.k.a our own talented members, was brought to you by the Design Committee. Thanks to Connie for all her hard work on coordinating this event. There were 7 inventive and very different vignettes of cherished objects and arrangements, which were presented by the makers. Here are some snaps. (I have to apologize for failing to get a shot of Lynda’s wonderful “Singing in the Rain” display. She had a song and dance and everything! Please don’t hate me. If someone else got a shot, send it along and I’ll post it separately.)

~ Max

Susan's Display

Susan’s Lovely Tea Party

Center Piece

Spring Centerpiece

Connie's Asian themed display

Connie’s Asian Themed Display

Take Tea & See!

Take Tea & See!

LuAnn's Road Works

LuAnn’s Road Works

Free to a good garden!

Free to a good garden!

Diana's Display

Diana’s Quilt Show

Max's Display

Max’s Vegetable Garden

Lovely Cookies

Betsy’s Easter Cookies

Patti's Display

Patti’s Cherry Blossom Tea Party

The Jack-A-Lope makes a guest appearance - Just here for the food...

The Jack-A-Lope makes a guest appearance – Just here for the food…