Here are some snaps of our open house last week which was fun and informative. We should do this more often!

Mushroom Fun Facts & Quiz

Barbara demonstrates the art of paper pot making.

Beautiful Old Book Cover

Yum Yums from our Hostesses for the day.

Patti showing how to grow sprouts and shoots.

Sunshine in a Bottle – Commercial & Homemade

Paper Pot Fixin’s

Becky’s Antique Gardening Book Collection

Terry makes Preserved Lemons, A.K.A Sunshine in a bottle. See how quick she is?

Mason Jar Terrarium donated for the Promise Tree by visitors from The Hampton Garden Club. You can bet that got scarfed up right away!

Mel passes around sprout samples. Susan wonders when they are coming her way.

The Captivated Audience

Another Beautiful Antique Book – One of Becky’s Favorites
If you want the Preserved Lemon Recipe, find it in our recipe box or click here!
Congratulations to everyone who helped make this past mtg so much fun. It put a different light on our diverse interests/personalities. Hopefully we can keep up the tradition and continue to bring a breath of sunshine to a otherwise long season.
Yes, a wonderful time had by all. Thank you for the great presentations!!