Our club’s October meeting was a busy and informative one. Linda V. and Betsy V. presented a slide display of this year’s Pollinator Mini-Grant recipients, including a progress report on their committee’s effort to create a pollinator corridor in Exeter and Stratham. This was followed by slides of our club’s Civic Beautification projects, presented by chair, Linda S.
Environment and Conservation introduced this season’s topic – edible berries found in this area’s fields and forests, kicked off by one of Jill C.’s famous quizes. This was followed by three guests, representatives of the New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs, who explained their organization and described the benefits of membership enjoyed by member clubs.
And finally, Patti E. organized a huge Seed Swap and presentation, with seeds galore and detailed information on seed saving.

The Horticulture Table was overflowing with blooms and interesting plants brought by members…

And of course, there were refreshments…

Photos by Ann H.
Fall cleanup at the American Independance Museum in Exeter was completed by Linda S.’s team on a mild, sunny Friday, in little more than hour. Linda reports that it couldn’t have been accomplished without Rose’s truck and Ellen’s leaf vacuum/ mulcher. The museum thanked this year’s Civic Beautification volunteers with a coffee mug

Photos by Ann H.
Mel M. and her Civic Beautification volunteers undertook the fall cleanup of the Stratham Veterans Garden, making sure that it was a pristine setting for the Nov. 11th Veterans Day ceremony.

Photos by Lee C. and Ellen J.
Club News
Don’t miss the first speaker of our 2024 -2025 season. Rita Wollmeringer will be presenting “The Many Gifts of Herb Gardening,” on Thursday, Nov. 21. Arrive at 9 a.m for refreshments & lots of socializing!
Our Election Day Bake Sale was a success, after missing the sale in 2022 due to Covid …. This year: rainy cold weather, limited to one table, and very confusing voter queuing pattern!!
A big thanks to all the bakers for the wonderful assortment of goodies … an extra special thanks for labeling and pricing your items. Thanks to our “drop-team”, Jill and Ginelle.
Our fearless Ways and Means Chair, Johann, sends a very special thanks to the folks who staffed the table and “peddled” our goodies to the patient voters in the very long line. Nearly every crumb was sold and our final sales number was $826!
P.S. A little call out for Lang – he was there to help run interference with the voting moderators.
– Pat N

Photos by Pat N.
Our next fundraiser is on the near horizon – the Nov. 23rd Yuletide Fair at the Cooperative Middle School in Stratham. Many members have already been busy creating sales items, for example:

Photos by Ann H., Vicki B.
On Friday, November 22, all members are invited to participate in our final workshop where we’ll be assembling arrangements and organizing for the Fair. We’re meeting from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Stratham Municipal Center. Contact Johann S. with any questions. This fun workshop is our final big push to make this another profitable fundraiser.
Members’ very last chance to sign up for the Holiday Luncheon at Wentworth Country Club on Dec. 5th is at the next meeting on Nov. 21st. Don’t miss out – contact Paige C. for details.
Lee C. will be offering a Greens Workshop/Design Lesson on Tuesday, Dec. 12, from 9 to 11 a.m. Sign-up will be available at the November meeting or contact Lee.
Everyone is encouraged to take a look at our Facebook page. Patti E. does a spectacular job of updating the page with interesting gardening info. You don’t have to join Facebook to look at our page, just click here to check it out. And while you’re there, be sure to click on the “Like” button.
Stay up to date with all the club plans and activities. The minutes of our board and general meetings are always available on the website under Members Only in the main menu.
Other Events
The 6th Annual Seed Swap Giveaway will be held on November 16, from 9 am to 3 pm There will be over 30 species of FREE pollinator-friendly plant seeds. Kingston Recreation Building, 24 Main Street, Kingston, NH.
On November 19, Rye Driftwood Garden Club will be hosting Jean Stefanik and “Orchids All Around Us.” Info at www.ryenhgardenclub.org.