The Christmas luncheon was a success and we all liked the new venue – excellent food, bar and a cheery room. Nance took some picks to share. Looks like red was the color of the day!
Exeter Area Garden Club and Rye Driftwood Garden Club hosted an entertaining and informative event on Tuesday, Nov. 19 featuring Roger Swain, former host of the Victory Garden. A large crowd enjoyed the Yankee wit and wisdom and hope to invite him back in the near future. Pictured with Mr. Swain are the clubs presidents, L- Patti Elwell (EAGC) and R-Becky Franz (RDGC).
One of the Promise Tree events this month was a watercolor class given by new member Linda G at the Wiggin Memorial Library in Stratham. We learned how to properly use the medium and we all created a beautiful picture of sunflowers to take home.
Some of the members got together for a mid-summer informal meeting at Pettengill Farm in Salisbury MA where we enjoyed a delicious picnic lunch, chatted about pesky animals in the garden and shopped around for bargains. The folks at Pettengill made us feel quite welcome and even gave us each an annual to take home. Max took some snaps of this beautiful and interesting garden center.
Thanks to Patti & Jill for the photos from this event which took place on July 25.