Welcome to our new Communication Reporter, Connie A.! She’ll be contributing to the monthly Happenings. If you have news you’d like added to the Happenings, please send it to Connie or LuAnn.
It’s been cold and windy with a 40-degree day sprinkled in and then we got some snowstorms. But the lead is the earth quake we had on January 27! Where were you when the 3.8 magnitude quake shook a 100-mile radius around York on that Monday morning?
Before we get into what’s coming up, we’d like to mention again the very beautiful work that the Civic Beautification and Design committees did for the holidays. About a dozen members draped and hung lovely seasonal greenery at the Exeter and Stratham historical societies as well as the Folsom Tavern at the American Independence Museum and the Veterans’ Garden at Stratham Hill. Lee C., Ellen J., Pat N., and Mel M. contributed most of the wreaths and boughs used. Lee C., Kathy M. and Ellen J. decorated the Stratham Historical Society. Jane J. donated the decorated wreathes for the Exeter Historical Society and Folsom Tavern. Lee C. donated all the greens, winter berries, etc. Pat N. provided the large pinecones and additional greens.

At our next meeting on February 20, horticulturist Julie Coleman will present “Battling Bugs: Managing Pests in Northeast Gardens.” Julie hails from Western Pennsylvania and is a graduate of the UNH plant science program. She has been a farm and orchard manager and has provided consulting services for gardeners. She also works at the Wentworth Greenhouses. Ready any insect-related questions for Julie before the gardening season is here.

Coming up at the April and May meetings are some fun design workshops. In April we’ll do a project involving things found outdoors: sticks, nuts, stones, feathers…. Then, “Trayscaping” follows in May. Committee chair Lee C. invites members to try their hand at creating a collection of accessories and flora on a tray. It could be a breakfast tray, or a platter for a kitchen island, a sideboard, or a guest room. More information at the next meeting. Stop by the Design Committee table to learn more and sign up.
Our January meeting featured Lindsay Watkins, a field specialist with Forest Resources of the NH Cooperative Extension. Lindsay illustrated her talk with a slide show of familiar landscape trees that are facing serious health issues from invasive insect species and diseases. Check out nhbugs.org for more information about how you can detect, treat, and report suspected invasives and diseases affecting trees in your yard or in parks. Lindsay’s complete slide show is available on our website for anyone who missed her presentation or wants to review it. You can find it here.
Betsy V. and Jill C. of the Environment and Conservation Committee kicked off the meeting with a fact-led description of two native species: the staghorn sumac and the beach plum.

Photos: Ann H.
Members – remember our Hort Table is active all winter! Bring your contribution to the meetings – anything of winter interest from your garden: evergreens, seed pods, grasses, or whatever reminds you that there is a garden bed under the snow.
Club News
This coming Saturday, Feb. 15, will be the first of two presentations by our Environment & Conservation committee in cooperation with the Exeter and Stratham Libraries. Chairs Linda V. and Betsy V. will be introducing our Pollinator Mini-Grant program for 2025 and will include a screening of Doug Tallamy’s video, “Nature’s Best Hope”. The event begins at 10 a.m at the Exeter Library and will be repeated at the Stratham Library on Saturday, March 8, at 10 a.m. Residents of Exeter and Stratham are encouraged to come pick up an application for a Pollinator Mini-Grant and everyone is invited to view Tallamy’s thought-provoking film. (Applications are also available on our homepage.)
Mark your calendars – Our Spring Yard Sale and Plant Sale fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, May 9, 8 AM to 1 PM, with setup on Friday, May 9 from 4-6 PM.
Paige C. has announced the date for our annual Spring Luncheon and Plant Auction: “We have a luncheon date and the Morgera room is reserved for Thursday, June 5th. It will be very different this year, but Nancy and I are happy to shake it up!”
Other Programs and Events
The Rye Driftwood Garden Club will be presenting: “Maple Sugaring, Myth, Magic and Reality” on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 9:30 a.m. Go to https://www.ryenhgardenclub.org/programs for more info.
The Portsmouth Garden Club will host Chris Barboza on “Pruning” on February 19 at 10 a.m. More details at https://www.portsmouthnhgardenclub.com/programs.
On Feb. 13, the Hampton Garden Club is sponsoring Doris Buko UNH Extension Master Gardener who speak on Herb Gardening at 6 p.m. Info here.
The UNH Extension Master Gardener Program and the NH Audubon’s Massabesic Center are offering monthly garden workshops now through October; 8 Free garden tour dates May through October; and 6 Free ‘Engaging the Experts’ dates. The January 18 workshop is “All About Seeds: Navigating Catalogs and Purchasing Seeds”. For the full schedule of workshops, click here.

National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) is February 24-28, 2025. NISAW is a nationwide event to raise awareness about invasive species, the threat that they pose, and what people can do to prevent their spread. Check our the “5 Ways to Participate” here.
Mar. 12, 6:30 pm — Learn about Invasive Species. Register at the Hampton Falls Free Library by calling 603 926-3682. A presentation of Hampton Falls Conservation Committee, UNH Extension, and Pollinator Pathways.
Feb. 13, 1-6 pm, Gardener’s Supply, Greenland, NH — Mini Succulent Garden Workshop (no registration needed)
Feb. 22, 11-12 noon, Gardener’s Supply, Greenland, NH — Houseplant Education. Register at:
Members of the EAGC are invited to celebrate the retirement of Exeter Public Library’s Director, Hope Godino! Friday, Feb. 21, 2-6 pm on the main floor of the Library.

Interested in learning more about NH butterflies? Sign up for these free Nature Groupie online classes:
Intro to Identification: Feb. 12, 6:30 pm
Wetland species: Feb. 26, 6:30 pm
Woodland species: Mar. 12, 6:30
Grassland species: Mar. 26, 6:30
Sign up and more info here.
If you plan to plant a vegetable garden this spring, the UNH Extension has a handy chart of optimal dates for vegetable planting or transplanting. Find it here.
Speaking of vegetables, the American Horticultural Society has published an article titled “Heirloom Vegetables – What Are They and Why Are They Important.” Read about it here.