Archive by Author | LuAnn Faber

Stratham’s Serene Veteran’s Memorial Garden

If you haven’t had the opportunity this summer to stop by Stratham Hill Park to spend a few minutes at the Veterans’ Memorial Garden, try to do it soon.  EAGC’s plantings are at peak fall beauty. The sedum is blooming a dusty rose, which is set off by profuse white petunias. The grasses give the garden height and interest, even from the road. Civic Beautification Chair Melanie, along with her team of member volunteers, have worked hard to provide Stratham with a lovely and peaceful place of  remembrance.




A Beautiful Year for the Exeter Bandstand

Nance J and her Civic Beautification committee have outdone themselves this year with the Bandstand plantings. The plant selection was perfect and the flower boxes have remained healthy and covered in blossoms, even into September. The eye-catching chartreuse coleus do a wonderful job of breaking up the greenery at the base of the Bandstand.

Thank you to Nance and her trusty assistants for choosing the flowers and planting them. And thank you to all the club members who volunteered for a week of maintenance.  Your efforts make the Bandstand the most photogenic spot in Exeter!


As you can see, even creatures from outer space want to be photographed here!

August Happenings

Is it Labor Day so soon?!  Our fading plants are telling us that summer is waning and it’s time to start thinking about fall garden chores. But before we put summer behind us, here are some reminders of our summer fun.

An August highlight was E&C’s Promise Tree event, Applelicious Afternoon. The E&C committee, led by Linda V, hosted a summer soiree featuring all things apple. Thanks go to Ann H and Vicky for documenting the fun with pictures.


The weather was ideal …







And apple-themed hats were strongly recommended, of course.


There was even an Apple Hat straight from Dr. Seuss.


And a prize went to this apple pie hat, complete with real pie crust.


What’s an Apple Party without delicious apple refreshments, provided by E&C …
















And lovely flower arrangements, created by Betsy V?


Ann H snapped this picture of an uninvited (but welcome) visitor, then solved a mystery by identifiying it as a Hummingbird Clearwing moth (Hemaris Thysbe).


*  *  *  *  *

EAGC’s first general meeting of the season is Thursday, Sept. 21, at 9:30 at the Stratham Municipal Center. Don’t miss it – we’ll be discussing the upcoming year, will hear about our mini-grant recipients, and will break into committees.  A light brunch will also be provided.

 *  *  *  *  *

Welcome to our most recent new members — Audrey of Rye and Mary Jo of Stratham have joined EAGC.  Be sure to introduce yourself at the next meeting!

 *  *  *  *  *

Finally, a few pictures submitted by Carole C of her lovely summer gardens:

July Happenings

Our July 20th meeting at Lee’s home was well attended and everyone had a chance to admire Lee’s beautiful home and gardens. The gathering was also an opportunity to exchange gardening experiences and, of course, share good food with friends.


Discussions ensued:



Food was enjoyed:



And photo opportunities were smiled for:


 *  *  *  *  *

Last spring the Environment & Conservation Committee awarded a $200 mini-grant to the Kingston Conservation Commision to help them with establishing a pollinator garden. This summer the Commission sent Chair Linda V pictures of the beautiful garden they created with the help of our mini-grant. Here’s their letter:


Good morning,
You gave us a mini grant last year for a pollinator garden. I just wanted to show you that the garden is flourishing and acting its part very well. The large patch of milkweed, which was the inspiration for the garden to begin with, is doing exceptionally well. The kids have started a composting program as well.
Thank you again for providing the “seed money” for this project.

Evelyn Nathan, Chair
Kingston Conservation Commission
Coverts cooperator
Plant ConservationVolunteer, NEWFS


And here are some pictures of the results:


The pollinators are obviously enjoying this lush garden!

*  *  *  *  *


It’s difficult to believe, but fall will soon be upon us.  Our last summer celebration, sponsored by Environment & Conservation, An Appleiciuous Afternoon, will take place on August 17.

EAGC’s first General Meeting of the season will be Thursday, September 21, where our 2017 Mini-Grant winners will be announced.


 *  *  *  *  *

If  you have a gardening success that you’re especially proud of, share it with other members! Email me a picture and I’ll make it available on the website. Send it to Webmaster at [email protected].








June Happenings

It’s hard to believe June is behind us. But we have so many fun pictures to share…

Of course the highlight of the month was our Annual Plant Auction and Luncheon, held on June 14 at the Portsmouth Country Club. (As you may be able to tell, garden hats were part of the theme.)

Tables overflowed with plants donated by members, including some beautiful house plants. Max did a stellar job of auctioning off everything by lunchtime.

Garden Hats were everywhere. Some made a fashion statement.  Some made a  different kind of statement (about the size of this year’s mosquitos, perhaps?)




How about these stylish gardeners?

















We were even honored by the presence of two “Czarinas”.


More auction action…







These lovely table centerpieces were raffled off to some lucky members. They were created by Betsy A & Donna.


*   *  *  *


On June 20th, some members enjoyed a Promise Tree tour of Max’s  beautiful & very interesting gardens in Newburyport. Everyone found a least one plant that she wasn’t able to identify in Max’s mix of unusual and old-standby flowers.






As you can tell, it was a gorgeous day in a gorgeous garden.