Tag Archive | meeting

June Happenings

An informal Summer Meeting had been scheduled for next Thursday, July 19. Unfortunately, this meeting had to be cancelled, but Susan C. will be hosting a lunch/barbecue meeting at her home on Thursday, August 16. Watch your email for further details!

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The June Board Meeting includes both the current Board and the new, incoming members of next year’s Board. This is the meeting where next year’s plans are discussed and new Board members are familiarized with their upcoming jobs. Of course none of this happens without good food, so the new Board members were treated to a potluck brunch. Here are a few shots of the action. (Sorry, no food photos!)

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The big news for June was our festive June Luncheon and Plant Auction, held at the Portsmouth Country Club, with 44 attending.  As always, members and guests were able to bid on lots of happy, healthy plants which had been nurtured and donated by fellow members. Max performed admirably as auctioneer again this year – whipping through dozens of plants with efficiency and a hefty dollop of humor. We added $849 to our treasury thanks to the plant sales.

Plants (and Auctioneer Max) arriving for the auction. 

Betsy A. and her Hospitality Committee arranged for a delicious buffet luncheon and lovely table settings, including handmade centerpieces which were raffled off to some happy winners. The Environment & Conservation Committee provided two spectacular baskets packed full of gardening items, one of which was awarded to the member who brought her own coffee cup to the meetings most regularly – a great way to emphasize the “conservation” part of this committee’s goal.  In total, the various raffles brought in almost $125 for our club.

E&C’s Raffle Baskets:


Table centerpieces

The luncheon culminated with the installation of  our club’s new Executive Board and the grateful acknowledgement of  outgoing Presidents, Jill and Betsy and Vice-President Mel, for jobs very well done.  Anne C. performed the installation of new officers, presenting each of the five board members with a plant to symbolize their individual responsibility to the club.

Anne C. installing officers

A list of  the full Board, including Committee Chairs, can be found on the website under “Members Only“. (While you’re there, check out some of the other interesting members only info available to you.)

Our new Executive Board: Susan, president; Linda S, vice-president; Vicki, recording secretary; Florence, returning as corresponding secretary; and Jill, treasurer. (All the distractions of this fun event made a better picture impossible!)

More Luncheon Photos (thanks to Nance J.):


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Gardening Event

Members of our club have been invited to this interesting and timely presentation:

Please join the Piscataqua Garden Club on Thursday, July 19, 2018 at 10:30 am at The Reading Room, 491 York Street, York Harbor, Maine, for a presentation on the impacts of climate change, “Preparing for Sea Level Rise” , by Gayle Bowness, Science Education Program Manager, Gulf of Maine Research Institute.

We have all noticed the increasing news coverage of intense storms, unusual temperatures, ocean warming and coastal flooding. As these issues become more prevalent in our daily lives, it is becoming more important to understand the impacts of these events – today and in the future. Ensuring the region’s resiliency to climate impacts, such as sea level rise, requires a scientifically informed and engaged public.

Join us for an interactive presentation to explore the data behind sea level rise. Together, we’ll review models projecting impacts in your community and case studies of resiliency from across the globe.

Gayle Bowness, a Nova Scotia native, with a B.S. in Marine Biology from Dalhousie University and a M.S. from Lesley University in Ecological Teaching and Learning will lead us in this experience. Gayle and her family have lived in Cape Elizabeth, Maine for 14 years where they enjoy exploring the state’s coastline. She has been working at Gulf of Maine Research Institute since 2005. As a pioneer in collaborative solutions to global ocean challenges, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, located in Portland, is dedicated to the resilience of the Gulf of Maine ecosystem and the communities that depend on it. Gayle has designed and delivered a variety of education programs, from watersheds to electrical efficiency and is now focused on sea level as the impacts of climate change become increasingly visible.

Understanding more about this timely topic seems to have become a priority of younger generations which we hope captures their and all interested guests’ attention to participate and engage in this event.

Open to the public. Suggested donation $5 at the door.

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 Lee C. has added a Leaf to our Promise Tree:

⇒ Iris — Baby blue to white, sometimes fall-blooming. They grow to 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall. Three dollars a pot while they last. Email Lee to arrange pickup.

Are you new to the club or need a refresher on how our Promise Tree program works? Click here for details!

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October Happenings

What could go better with leftover Halloween candy than an entertaining look back at October’s garden club fun?  Unwrap a couple of those mini candy bars and enjoy the pictures!

A hard-working team of volunteers cleaned up the plantings at the bandstand for the winter. Chair Nance J promised a sunny day for the job – and Mother Nature followed through.




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Liz Barbour impressed attendees with her “Edible Landscaping” presentation at the October General Meeting. Not only did she explain her recipes, but she also demonstrated them for an attentive audience, which included members of the Rye Driftwood Garden Club.




















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“Halloween Howl”
A Promise Tree Event 

A spooktacular time was had by eleven members of EAGC at a Halloween Promise Tree bash at Max’s home in Newburyport. Our hosts, Max and Betsy V., greeted guests, all of whom were decked out in Halloween colors… and/or costumes. Spooky tablescapes and ghoulish decor met guests at the door, with numerous zombies, black cats, crows, and witches greeting everyone throughout the rooms.

After libation, nibbles, chitchat, and a stroll through the garden, our party-givers presented guests with a smorgasbord of ghostly delights for lunch and dessert. Quizes and prizes and much laughter filled the afternoon. Everyone had a hauntingly good time and much appreciation goes to Max and Betsy for planning the event. 









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Nancy B was the pleased winner of a surprise drawing at the September General Meeting. She went home with this very pretty sedum, after her name was drawn from the meeting attendees. The board will be holding other drawings at General Meetings  — be sure to look for them at the Membership table.

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Mini-Grant Followup:

EAGC received the following thank you email and photo from  one of the volunteer gardeners who tends to the beds in Swasey Parkway. She and her fellow volunteers were awarded one of our Beautification Mini Grants this past spring.

Bjarni Brown wrote:
I just wanted to update the EAGC about our use of the 2017 mini-grant we were awarded.

4 Swasey Parkway volunteers met this morning (Oct. 29) to plant $200 worth of bulbs at 3 different locations on Swasey Parkway in Exeter. We planted various tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, scilla and crocus at the Entrance Garden, pavilion and “the rock.” I have attached a picture of Lilly Moran, of Exeter, who helped out. She was working to fulfill her Community Service hours through her 6th grade at CMS. Also in the picture are Susan Moran (volunteer) and Mark Damsell, Swasey Parkway Trustee.

Once again, thank you very much for awarding us this grant. Swasey Parkway will have beautiful spring bulbs for all to enjoy this coming spring!
Bjarni Brown                                           

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New to The Website:

The minutes of EAGC’s Board and General Meetings will be posted each month on a new website page titled “Meeting Minutes”. This page can be found under “Members Only” on the site. To see the minutes from the most recent meetings, click here.

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A Reminder:

If you know of a member who would enjoy receiving a card from our club — get-well, sympathy, encouragement — please contact Florence W, our Corresponding Secretary, and Florence will send the appropriate card. You can find her contact info on the website under “Members Only” or in your Yearbook.

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If you’re having any problems with the links on this post, or have any other website-related questions or issues, don’t hesitate to contact me. That’s why I’m here!



August Happenings

Is it Labor Day so soon?!  Our fading plants are telling us that summer is waning and it’s time to start thinking about fall garden chores. But before we put summer behind us, here are some reminders of our summer fun.

An August highlight was E&C’s Promise Tree event, Applelicious Afternoon. The E&C committee, led by Linda V, hosted a summer soiree featuring all things apple. Thanks go to Ann H and Vicky for documenting the fun with pictures.


The weather was ideal …







And apple-themed hats were strongly recommended, of course.


There was even an Apple Hat straight from Dr. Seuss.


And a prize went to this apple pie hat, complete with real pie crust.


What’s an Apple Party without delicious apple refreshments, provided by E&C …
















And lovely flower arrangements, created by Betsy V?


Ann H snapped this picture of an uninvited (but welcome) visitor, then solved a mystery by identifiying it as a Hummingbird Clearwing moth (Hemaris Thysbe).


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EAGC’s first general meeting of the season is Thursday, Sept. 21, at 9:30 at the Stratham Municipal Center. Don’t miss it – we’ll be discussing the upcoming year, will hear about our mini-grant recipients, and will break into committees.  A light brunch will also be provided.

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Welcome to our most recent new members — Audrey of Rye and Mary Jo of Stratham have joined EAGC.  Be sure to introduce yourself at the next meeting!

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Finally, a few pictures submitted by Carole C of her lovely summer gardens:

July Happenings

Our July 20th meeting at Lee’s home was well attended and everyone had a chance to admire Lee’s beautiful home and gardens. The gathering was also an opportunity to exchange gardening experiences and, of course, share good food with friends.


Discussions ensued:



Food was enjoyed:



And photo opportunities were smiled for:


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Last spring the Environment & Conservation Committee awarded a $200 mini-grant to the Kingston Conservation Commision to help them with establishing a pollinator garden. This summer the Commission sent Chair Linda V pictures of the beautiful garden they created with the help of our mini-grant. Here’s their letter:


Good morning,
You gave us a mini grant last year for a pollinator garden. I just wanted to show you that the garden is flourishing and acting its part very well. The large patch of milkweed, which was the inspiration for the garden to begin with, is doing exceptionally well. The kids have started a composting program as well.
Thank you again for providing the “seed money” for this project.

Evelyn Nathan, Chair
Kingston Conservation Commission
Coverts cooperator
Plant ConservationVolunteer, NEWFS


And here are some pictures of the results:


The pollinators are obviously enjoying this lush garden!

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It’s difficult to believe, but fall will soon be upon us.  Our last summer celebration, sponsored by Environment & Conservation, An Appleiciuous Afternoon, will take place on August 17.

EAGC’s first General Meeting of the season will be Thursday, September 21, where our 2017 Mini-Grant winners will be announced.


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If  you have a gardening success that you’re especially proud of, share it with other members! Email me a picture and I’ll make it available on the website. Send it to Webmaster at [email protected].








May Happenings

Art Scarpa made a return visit to EAGC, this time to show members how to assemble a terrarium. With plants, containers & materials supplied by Art, members quickly transformed empty jars into beautiful mini-gardens. As always, Art was an excellent source of plant information and humor. (See copies of Art’s terrarium preparation and care instructions here.)


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As always, refreshments were lovely to look at as well as delicious!

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At the same meeting, Environment & Conservation provided a helpful display on controlling pests in the garden, without resorting to harmful chemicals.


E&C also announced plans for their annual summer party. This year’s theme: Appleicious Afternoon. Sign-up for the August 17 party has started.  For party details, click on Appleicious Afternoon Information. A sign-up sheet will be available at the June 14 luncheon or contact Linda V or Edie to sign up.


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On May 25, Nance J and her Beautification crew went to work cleaning up the bandstand area and installing the new plantings. Their hard work and the beautiful result are evident in these pictures. Judging by the big smiles, it appears that everyone enjoyed the morning.