Resources for Native NH Pollinator Plants

from UNH Extension

The University of New Hampshire Extension is an excellent source of information about native plants. Here is one link, but consider searching their site for more information.

Native plants can be difficult to find in nurseries. Become knowledgeable about identifying natives and make a list of the plants you’re looking for before shopping. Nursery staff can be helpful, but check labels carefully to make sure your purchase is a native pollinator. Contact your local nurseries to find out if they stock natives and encourage them to do so if they don’t. Here is a link to some local nurseries that carry native plants. These are not the only ones – do your own research to find others.

Use the internet in your search. There are online nurseries that specialize in natives and pollinators. Look for gardening websites and Facebook pages for more information.

Keep in mind, when choosing your plants, that drought tolerant plants are preferrable. Indications are that our summers are becoming drier and will continue to do so in the long term. To avoid constant watering and to ensure plant survival, drought tolerant is the way to go.

Refer to “Best Practices for Pollinators” by Dr. Vera Krischik of UMN for info on establishing and maintaining pollinator-friendly landscapes.

Below are some plant suggestions for New Hampshire pollinator gardens.

New England Native Perennial Plants
(N = Native, D = Drought Resistant, P = Exceptional Pollinator)

Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow N, D
Actea racemosa L. Black Bugbane N
Amsonia tabernaemontana Blue Star Flower N
Anemone canadensis Windflower N
Aquilegia canadensis Canadian Columbine N, P
Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the Pulpit N
Aruncus dioicus Goat’s Beard, Bride’s Feather N, P
Asarum canadense Canadian Ginger N
Asclepias incarnata Milkweed N, D, P
Aster Aster N, D, P
Baptisia Blue False (Wild) Indigo N, P
Caltha palustris Yellow Marsh Marigold N
Campanula rotundiflora Bluebell, Bellflower N, D, P
Cheloni Turtlehead N, P
Comptonia peregrino Sweet Fern N, D
Coreopsis Tickseed (many varieties) N, D, P
Dicentra eximia Bleeding Heart N, P
Echinacea pallida Pale Purple Coneflower N, D, P
Eupatorium Joe Pye Weed N, P
Filipendula rubra Meadowsweet, Queen/Prairie N
Gaillardia aristata Blanketflower N
Gentiana Gentian N
Geranium Cranesbill N, P
Gillenia trifoliata Bowman’s Root N
Helenium Sneezeweed N
Helianthus divaricatus Woodland Sunflower N
Helanthus Perennial Sunflower N,P
Heliopsis helieanthoides False Sunflower (Oxeye) N
Iris cristata Crested Iris N
Iris versicolor Harlequin Blueflag Iris N
Liatris spicata Blazing Star, Gayfeather N, D, P
Lobelia cardinalis Great Blue Cardinal Flower N, P
Mertensia virginica Virginia Bluebells N
Monarda didyma Bee-Balm N, D, P
Penstemon digitalis Foxglove, Beardtongue N, P
Phlox Garden Phlox N, P
Physostegia virginiana Obediant Plant N
Podophyllum peltatum Mayapple N
Polygonatum commutatum Great Solomon’s Seal N
Rudbeckia Black-eyed Susan N, D, P
(also, Orange Coneflower, Tall Coneflower, Sweet Coneflower)
Smilacina False Solomon’s Seal N
(also, False Spikenard, False Lily-of-the-Valley)
Thermopsis villosa Carolina Lupine N,P
Tiarello cordifolia Heartleaf Foamflower N
Trillium erectum Red Trillium N
Trillium grandiflora White Trillium N
Veronicastrum viriginicum Culver’s Root N, P
Vernonia noveboracensis Iron Weed N
Viola pedata Birdfoot Violet N
Waldsteinia fragaroides Barren Strawberry N
Xanthorhiza simplicissima Yellowroot N