We know Fall has arrived when our Awards committee presents EAGC’s annual awards for Outstanding Gardens. This year, our Awards ceremony was moved up a month to September, allowing members more time to look over the gardens of our recipients before a fall frost arrives. A slideshow of the spectacular winning gardens was presented by Carmen G. & new Awards chair, Ginelle H., reflecting three very different gardens – all beautiful in their own way. The winning gardeners or a representative were present at the meeting to receive their awards and answer member questions about their gardening techniques and experiences.

For photos of these three Outstanding Gardens, click here.
This September kickoff meeting was well-attended, with members exchanging summer garden information and learning about what the club has in store for this 2024-25 season. New Yearbooks were distributed (if you missed the meeting, pick yours up at the October meeting) and there were plenty of sign-up sheets for Yuletide Fair workshops. The sales table had a good selection of donations and members were encouraged to hang a leaf on the Promise Tree – some fun activity that will bring us together, an opportunity to get better acquainted. And of course, the refreshment table – always mouth-watering.

Thanks to Carmen G. Ann H. and Nickky J. for the photos. (And to the drone that took a photo of the refreshment table!)
Club News
- The October 17th meeting will be a busy one. Environment & Conservation will be presenting a slideshow of the Beautification Mini-Grant recipients for 2024. Civic Beautification will show us some slides of the gardens our club maintains. The NH Federation of Garden Clubs will introduce their organization and take questions.
- This will all be followed by Patti E. who has arranged a Seed Swap. Please bring baggies or small envelopes for the seeds you would like to try – and a marker. If you are providing seeds, be sure to label them so that members can copy when they take SOME of your seeds.
- Following all this, there is time for committees to meet and brainstorm about their year, as we have the room till 1pm.
- Please bring your checkbook to the October meeting, as we will be doing sign-ups for the December 5th Holiday Luncheon, at the Wentworth Country Club, Rye, from 11:30 to 2. Our headcount and food choices must be submitted to the country club before our November meeting, so sign up now. If you’re unable to come to the October meeting, contact Paige C. to sign up and choose your entree.
- Mark your calendars for our Election Day Bake Sale – on Nov. 5, from 7 a.m. to noon at the Exeter polls. We are coordinating drop-off locations on Monday, Nov. 4th for your baked goods. A sign-up sheet will be available at the October meeting for help at the sales table on the 5th. Johann S. will be providing more details.
- Reminder: Lee C. and Ellen J. are holding a Holiday Gnome Workshop on Thursday, October 10 from 10-12 at the Wiggin Memorial Library in Stratham.
- The Design Committee is planning an Instructional Greens Workshop for Thursday, Dec. 12. More info will be available at the October and November meetings.
- Mark your calendars: we will be holding our annual Yuletide Fair Workshop on Nov. 22, in preparation for the Fair on Nov. 23rd.
Lynda B.’s Fall Photos