The club has held two well-attended meetings this fall in the Stratham Hill Park Pavilion, the last being this past Thursday. Members who were able to attend were excited to connect with each other, even though our big smiles were obscured by masks. Much business was attended to and several committees had presentations to share.
The most discussed item on the agenda was how or whether to proceed with the November joint meeting with the Hampton Garden Club. A final decision was not made as there are so many ever-changing variables involved due to pandemic restrictions and everyone’s comfort level for attending an indoor meeting. Most members expressed a desire to hold the meeting if there is a way to do so safely. Updates will be posted on this website and emailed to members.

Pat N. made this beautiful fall centerpiece for the October meeting. It was won by a lucky member in a drawing.

At the September meeting, our new officers were sworn in by Anne Campbell. L to R are Susan C., Treasurer, Pat N., Vice President, Linda S., President, and Lee C., Recording Secretary. Absent was Florence W., Corresponding Secretary. The club is lucky to have such competent leadership for what will be a difficult year.
The Promise Tree sprouted some new leaves at the October meeting. Among the new offerings were homemade soup, miniature paintings by Lynda, and potted plants. Members happily shopped the tree and many participated in a 50/50 raffle to benefit the Promise Tree. Jean H. was the pleased member who took home the cash prize. Contact Edie W. or Johann S. to add your own leaf!

Environment and Conservation is planning to present info each month on native evergreen trees, following up last year’s displays on native deciduous trees. To kick off the year of the evergreen, Jill put together a quiz (her specialty, as we all know.) For those who missed the meeting, here’s the quiz. Test yourself! (Answers are at the end of this post.)
True or False:
1, Evergreens can be found on every continent.
2. Evergreens keep their leaves year round.
3. Palm trees are evergreens.
4. Most tropical rainforest trees are evergreens.
5. All evergreens are green.
6. All evergreens have pine needles.
7. There are thousands of species of evergreens.
8. In general, evergreens do not thrive in full sun.
How do you get down from an evergreen?
What tree is the tallest evergreen tree in the world?
Name 5 types of evergreen trees native to New Hampshire. (Count 1 point per correct tree.)
How do evergreen trees access the internet?
Ann H., our Horticulture Chair, has come up with a great remote way for us to enjoy a fall Design Workshop. Her virtual workshop will have us all raiding our garden beds for fall blooms and interesting summer remainders to create a fall arrangement. Ann will assemble an online album of the photos we send her, and we can all enjoy each others’ creativity. Leave it to Ann to turn this workshop cancellation lemon into lemonade!

Answers to the Evergreen Quiz:
1.-F (none in Antarctica) 2.-T 3.-T 4.-F 5.-T 6.-F 7.-F 8.-T 9.-F
You don’t get down from an evergreen; you get it from a goose. (Groans were audible.)
The tallest evergreen in the world is the Redwood.
Types of NH evergreens: fir, spruce, pine, hemlock, larch, arborvitae, juniper, cedar.
How do evergreens access the internet? They log in!
(Even more groans.)
How did you do? The winning score at the meeting was 15 out of 17.
Memories of Halloween Past…
Raggedy Ann Spearing a Fondue Tidbit Whose legs are these?