I think most would agree that the highlight of our month was the General Meeting held jointly with the Hampton Garden Club. It was very well-attended by members of both clubs, the speaker was engaging, and we were able to enjoy a number of presentations set up by both clubs.

Refreshments, provided by both clubs, were plentiful and delicious. Members again brought interesting clippings from their gardens for the Hort Table. The Hampton club showed off the results of their charity collection. E&C did an extensive display on The Mighty Oak, including this informative wreath made by Ann H. Recycling information supplied by the Hampton club.

From Ann H. and Connie, co-chairs of the Design Committee:
With Thanksgiving around the corner, our arrangers at the November Design Workshop created seasonal fall arrangements using fresh and artificial flora and locally sourced dried and fresh materials from plants and tree foliage. Participants mixed and matched flowers in a variety of colors and styles using our provided baskets as containers or their own personal containers. All these lovely arrangement were displayed the following morning at our November general meeting.

Here are the beautiful results:

What would the holiday season be without holly? Learn all about this seasonal favorite in this month’s Horticulture Tips, provided by Pat N. of the Horticultural Committee. Click here.

Coming up at our January General Meeting …
Thursday, January 16, “Backyard Birds” will be the topic of speaker, Dr. Stephen Hale.