This is a jam-packed edition of the Happenings. We have lots of pictures of last month’s activities and a number of announcements about upcoming events, plus some very useful information. Here goes:
Our Yearbook Editor, Max asks you to please update her on any changes to your personal information for next year’s issue, including the committees to which you belong. She makes every effort to produce an accurate Yearbook and needs everyone’s help to do that. She’ll be starting work on the new issue soon, so please check your Yearbook entry and let her know if she needs to change anything. Max can be reached here.
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On May 4, EAGC was very pleased to award our Ruth B. Dubenitz Scholarship to a very worthy recipient, Patrick Howard of Enfield, NH. Patrick is a returning student to the Thompson School of Applied Science majoring in Horticultural Technology at UNH. The award ceremony took place at Cole Hall at UNH. Four respresentatives from our club attended.
Anne C. had the honor of presenting the $2000 scholarship to Patrick and also speaking briefly about Ruth and her love of gardening and the environment. Patrick aspires to own his own landscaping company. This year, he was president of the Horticulture Club at the school and has been pursuing certification in as many aspects of landscaping as he’s able. He was very grateful to receive our scholarship, which will certainly help him in acheiving his career goals.
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Spring Japanese Flower Workshop
Twelve Exeter Area Garden Club members discovered the elegance and simplicity of freestyle Ikebana, a contemporary method of Japanese arranging that allows the freedom to create with no hard and fast rules. Participants enjoyed learning more about history of the art and arranging basics from two talented EAGC members. After Japanese tea and refreshments, members set out to create their own masterpieces, experimenting with lines, space and texture using kenzans (spiked flower holder ‘frogs’) for stabilizing their materials.
Ann H., Design Co-chair
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The Beautification Committee had a busy month. The flower boxes for the bandstand were planted at Churchill’s early in the month…
Then the bandstand cleanup and installation of the planter boxes followed on May 23rd…
Nance, Bandstand Beautification’s Fearless Leader
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EAGC is very pleased to introduce three new members: Barbara (Exeter), Jennifer (Stratham), and Donna (Dover). Welcome to the club! We look forward to getting to know you soon.
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Mark your calendars now for Thursday morning, July 19. That’s the date of our Summer Meeting. If you’re unfamiliar with our Summer Meetings, they’re informal gatherings where members share their gardening woes & successes and generally enjoy each other’s company. Plans are not yet finalized, but you’ll be notified by email when they are.
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Minutes of the May Board & General Meetings are available on the website. Click here to find them. Also available on the site is the Budget for the 2018-19 season, which was finalized by Susan C. & her Budget Committee and approved by the membership. The Budget page can be found under Members Only. Click here to view it.
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We received this invitation via email. This sounds like a very informative program…
Please join the Piscataqua Garden Club on Thursday, June 21, 2018 at 10:30 am at The Reading Room, 491 York Street, York Harbor, Maine for a floral design presentation.
“Designs for Entertaining (Don’t Worry about the food if the flowers look great!)” promises to be an informative demonstration of memorable flower designs for cocktail and dinner parties and special occasions.
Maureen Christmas, AIFD, CFD, an Accredited Master National Garden Club Flower Show judge who was inducted into the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) in July 2016 and is presently completing her European Master Certification, will share her knowledge while completing flower arrangements. She is a top award winner at the New England Spring Flower Show, Boston Flower and Garden Show, Newport and Rhode Island Flower Shows. A recipient of the Cindora Goldberg Award given by the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts and the Deanna Mozzochi Creative Design award given by the New England Region, our demonstration is anticipated to include tips representative of her experience and accomplishments.
Open to the public. Suggested donation $5 at the door.
Lucy Andrews
[email protected]