Too hot to garden? Find a shady spot and enjoy the fruits of your labor!
Members found some beautiful shady spots for the July 18th get-together at Prescott Park in Portsmouth. The volunteer-maintained beds were well worth the visit, as you can see by these photos taken by Jill.
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Lee sent some pictures of her garden for all to enjoy…
Thanks, Lee! Your gardens are so diverse & interesting.
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If anyone is looking for a spectacular garden and home to tour this summer, I recommend the Beauport Estate in Gloucester, MA. Here are a few images of the garden – they don’t begin to do justice to this lovely setting on the ocean. The home is equally interesting – full of quirky and unusual designs and furnishings.

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This very weird-looking plant was spotted in the shady leaf-litter next to a driveway in Georgetown, MA. I guessed it was some kind of fungus, but I’m sure the more knowledgeable gardeners in our club know that is incorrect.

Can you name this? Click on the “Leave a comment” link at the bottom of this post and respond with your answer. I’ll send out the correct identification in an email.
Those are Indian Pipe fungus. Check it out here: