Today’s high temperature calls for that time-honored question: “Is it hot enough for you?” Or maybe I could ask, “Is it hot here, or is it just me?”
Dianna braved the heat to take a few pictures of her gorgeous garden and has shared them with us.

Dianna comments, “The ‘rock wall’ flower bed contains many flowers from our EAGC auctions, which makes it one of my favorite beds. The big blue pot is from Betsy, aka Swap Shop, bleeding hearts from Susan, beautiful red Japanese maple from Nancy P, evening primrose from Nance, spotted leaf plant from Carole, Canadian ginger from Connie, etc.”
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LuAnn also has a few shots from her garden:
LuAnn says, “This is my favorite shade of pink. They really brighten up a garden. These phlox are a hybrid – so very little mildew.”

“Every year, this hydrangea produces at least 3 colors of blooms. This year is a bonus year for blooms, but they’re mostly on the lower part of the plant and none is on its north or west side.”
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Here’s a new Promise Tree leaf that sounds really tempting! This is from Edie:
Tired of weeding your garden? For a $20 donation to the Promise Tree, I will weed your garden for 2 hours. To call me to schedule a time, click here: Edie
Lee’s offer of Iris bulbs is still available too. She’ll have them available at the Meeting/Lunch on the 16th at Susan’s home.
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Speaking of the August Meeting/Lunch – it’s at noon on Thursday, August 16th, at Susan’s beautiful home. If you haven’t already, please call her to let her know you’re coming and what dish you’ll be bringing. As an added bonus — we’ll have a chance to get acquainted with some of our newest members!
So this is what gardens look like without weeds! Pretty spectacularI’d say. Congratulations on all of you who have kept ahead of the weeds. I call mine “wildflowers’!
The gardens look amazing! Thanks for sharing your gardens, I love seeing all the color combinations –especially LuAnn’s multicolored hydrangea!