The EAGC President provides leadership and direction for the club. She/he shall preside at all meetings of the club, be a member ex-officio of all committees, and call special meetings when necessary.
In addition to the duties described in the bylaws, the president shall; prepare a written agenda for each board meeting; be responsible for the agenda of the general meetings; and provide for notification of board members of the date and location of board meetings. The president should be familiar with the job descriptions of each of the board members and committee chairs and should encourage the committees to function according to those requirements.
General responsibilities of the president include: attending as many club events as possible; serving as a member of the budget committee; appointing and chairing a nominating committee; appointing, along with the board, a committee to revise the bylaws if deemed necessary; examining the minutes of the board and general meetings for accuracy and informing the recording secretary of any corrections; and communicating garden club business through the website email account ([email protected]).
Responsibilities for monthly board meetings include: by June, establishing a schedule of hosts for the following year’s board meetings; emailing the board members and hostess one week prior to the board meetings to remind them of the upcoming meeting and to remind the hostess to send directions; preparing an agenda for board meetings and bringing copies to the meeting; presiding over the board meeting; and following up on issues which require the president’s attention. The June board meeting has traditionally included both old and new board members, with the old members treating the new members to a pot-luck lunch.
Responsibilities for the monthly general meetings include: contacting the Stratham Municipal Center by early August to book the meeting space for general meetings; emailing board members one week prior to each meeting to determine which committees need to be placed on the agenda; preparing an agenda and giving a copy to the recording secretary; arriving early to facilitate set-up; welcoming any guests or new members; presiding over the business meeting (if possible, starting at 10:00 and wrapping up by 10:30).
Traditionally, the president has arranged informal summer gatherings and locations for the membership. It has also been the responsibility of the president to announce the slate of officers determined by the nominating committee at the April general meeting, call for a vote on the slate of officers in May, select someone to preside over the installation of officers at the June luncheon if new officers are elected, provide the script for the installation ceremony and the gifts for the officers and outgoing President.