
March Happenings

Members generally agreed that our March meeting was one of the more informative and helpful meetings we’ve had recently. The topic, presented by our Environment & Conservation committee, was “Water: Drought Tolerant Plants for a Drier Future – An Interactive Discussion” and focused specifically on native species. Each member of the committee addressed a different aspect of the topic, with Betsy and Linda V. summarizing and wrapping up the presentation.

Helpful lists were assembled of native plants, including their drought tolerance and attractiveness to pollinators. These lists can be found on the Speaker Notes page of our website, here. Members who had completed a list of the plants in their own gardens, were able to make note of how many of those plants were native. Pat N. impressed us with the highest percentage of natives, winning a prize of flower seeds (natives, of course.)

Two books highly recommended for info on native plants

At the meeting, Johann S. discussed our upcoming Plant, Bake and Yard Sale, scheduled for April 22 at the Stratham Municipal. Members are encouraged to start some plants now to bring to the sale. Details and information on volunteer sign-ups have been emailed to members.

Here are a few garden-related online and in-person activities to check out:

March 10–19: The Great Grow Along Online at A free, 10-day virtual festival connecting and inspiring gardeners worldwide with the influencers, taste-makers, and cutting-edge content of today’s gardening world.

March 21, 2023 Tuesday, from 9:45-11:15. The Rye Garden Club presents Margaret Witham with topic “How to Grow Garlic”. At the Rye Congregational Church.

The American Horticultural Society has an article in this month’s edition “Gardening for Native Bees”, that is available to the general public. Find it here.

And of course, our own general meeting on March 16 featuring Andi Ross with topic “Let’s Go Vertical”. This talk will give ideas for adding height to your gardens. Andi is a landscape designer and lecturer. 9:30-11:30 in the Morgera Room of the Stratham Fire Station.

Dianna T. was kind enough to share a photo of her Clivia in bloom this month. It’s no doubt a first cousin of many other club members’ clivias. This one is certainly a very healthy & happy speciman!

February Happenings

Doesn’t this gorgeous bloom put you in the mood for Spring and exploring all the wonderful plants available for our New Hampshire gardens? To find out more about this shrub, check out Connie’s March Horticulture Tip here.

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Our February General Meeting featured Patti Elwell, who spoke about and demonstrated “Seed Starting.” Her enthusiasm for her topic was contagious and inspiring, as were the seed packets she offered for sale to benefit the Promise Tree.

Also at the February meeting, the Environment & Conservation Committee, led by Linda V. gave a comprehensive report on the effects of global warming on the world’s oceans. Members of the committee each addressed a specific aspect of the effects, along with providing handouts and posters.

Ann H. addressed members as Linda V. looked on.
The E&C committee provided lots of detailed info about how the ocean is being affected by climate change.

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Here are two local events to kick off the upcoming gardening season:

The Great Island Garden Club of New Castle is hosting a lecture at The Music Hall Loft on April 2nd at 10 AM. Marta McDowell will speak on her book, “All the Presidents’ Gardens”. Marta writes and lectures on gardening topics and teaches landscape history and horticulture at the New York Botanical Garden. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at The Music Hall box office or at

The NH Master Gardener Alumni Association annual Spring Symposium will be held on Saturday, March 23, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at the Southern New Hampshire University Dining Hall & Banquet Facility, 2500 N River Rd., Hooksett, NH. The event will feature speakers and an opportunity to socialize with other gardeners. It is open to the public. For details, go to

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BEE sure to come to our next General Meeting on Thursday, March 21. Our featured speaker’s topic will be “All About Bees.”

December Happenings

December was truly a month of photo opportunities for members of EAGC. So many fun events gave us all time to put the stress of the holidays aside for a few hours to enjoy each others’ company.

Connie and Ann H. put together an outstanding Design Class in December, where members assembled holiday arrangements to last throughout the season. The resulting floral arrangements were stunning. Thirteen EAGC members and one guest gathered for the Holiday Flower Design Workshop using evergreens and blooms of roses, lilies, carnations and amaryllis in shades of red, white and a lovely shade of mauve. The theme for the workshop was taken from the Christmas carol, The Holly and the Rose, a beautiful carol that was sung by one of the club members before the workshop began.

Here are some of the lovely results.

This arrangement looks perfect in this member’s home.

Abbie-Jane’s arrangement became the centerpiece of her table.

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Susan C. hosted a festive Holiday Open House in December. Members were treated to a beautiful selection of appetizers and an opportunity to take in Sue’s spectacular Christmas decorations. What a relaxing break from the holiday rush!

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Our annual Holiday Luncheon, hosted by the Herb Committee, was better than ever — delicious food, lots of laughs, and an opportunity to wish all our special gardening friends happy holidays. Lynda B. outdid herself in organizing a wonderful afternoon for us.

The gift swap table was loaded with surprises.

Party Favors for each member.

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Our November General Meeting, in conjunction with the Hampton Garden Club, featured Andi Ross, who did a presentation on Hip-Hip Hydrangeas , Part 1. Andi shared a lot of helpful information about the identification and care of hydrangeas. Pat N. has provided a link to Andi’s handouts from that meeting. If you’d like a copy, click here.

Handouts from Art Scarpa’s Terrarium Workshop

For those of you who didn’t receive a handout at Art Scarpa’s workshop on May 18 and for anyone who would like some information about terrariums and their assembly and care, Art has sent these very helpful instructions and resources.

Art used Anchor Hocking Jars

(For more pictures of the terrarium workshop, go to May Happenings.)


For heavy glass jars with lids

Compiled by Art Scarpa, Atkinson, NH [email protected]


Terrariums are one of the easiest ways to care for houseplants. They are very attractive, blending in with most any decor, make great gifts, and they are easy to make and maintain.

Now that your terrarium is at home, complete the landscape by adding some stones, twigs, pieces of bark or small clumps of moss.

Water very sparingly. Too much water will cause your plants to rot, and excess moisture cannot be easily removed from a terrarium. Use about 1/4 cup or less of tepid water for every gallon of container size. Do not pour the water directly onto the plants or soil.  Instead, tilt the container and let it trickle against the glass and run down the inside into the soil.  Using a clean new (unused) turkey baster is helpful.  If you have a lid on your terrarium, you may not have to water more often than once a month or so.

Do not leave your terrarium in direct sunlight.  A spot with good light will work.  An east or north window is best, although an east or west facing window may be all right during the winter.  A few hours of early morning or late afternoon sunshine in winter should be OK but a good rule is to leave the cover ajar to avoid heat build-up.   If you wish to grow under lights, the lights must be placed very close, just several inches above the plants.  A wide spectrum bulb is best; fluorescent bulbs are fine. Ott (brand) lights are also good.

Ventilate your container by leaving the lid slightly ajar for a day or so and if excessive mist forms on the glass or mold begins to form, it needs fresh air. Remove the cover for a few days or leave the glass lid slightly ajar – prop it open with a piece of wood, eraser or similar.

Mold spores are present in cool damp air and if you notice white mold beginning to grow on your plants and ventilatng for a day or two doesn’t help, treat immediately with a fungicide such as Physan, Daconil, Captan or similar brands.  They are available at better garden supply stores.  Some fungicides are drenches; they are mixed with water in small doses and then watered into the soil once.  The fungicide is absorbed into the plants through the roots.

Plants that are damaged from mold or insects should immediately be removed to prevent infecting other plants.  After treating the rest of the plants with a fungicide, you can replace the affected plant with a new one.

As plants outgrow their space in the terrarium, they can either be pruned back or carefully removed with a long-handled spoon and replaced with new ones.

If you made the terrarium to give as a gift, be sure to allow enough time to get the plants settled in before the big event!   Good luck, and have fun!

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Compiled by Art Scarpa, Atkinson, NH    [email protected]

Here’s a list of houseplants that might be suitable for a terrarium or a bottle garden. Remember,plants for a terrarium or a bottle garden need to like humidity, indirect light (no direct sun needed), and enjoy a closed atmosphere!  NO cactus or succulents!  Scientific name is listed first, followed by the common name in parentheses.

  • Acorus (Sweet Flag)
  • Actiniopteris australis (mini fern)
  • Begonia rex (small-leaf varieties e.g. Begonia ‘Tiger Kitten’))
  • Calathea species (Zebra Plant, Peacock Plant, Rattlesnake Plant)
  • Cryptanthus (Earth Star)
  • Dracaena sanderiana (Ribbon Plant)
  • Ferns, small varieties: (Actiniopteris australis, Nephrolepis ‘Tiny Tim’ etc)
  • Ficus pumila,Ficus pumila quercifolia, Ficus repens (Creeping Fig, Trailing Fig)
  • Fittonia species (Snakeskin Plant, Nerve Plant, Painted Net Leaf, Silver Net Leaf)
  • Hedera helix (mini English Ivy – tiny-leaf varieties e.g. ‘Duckfoot’)
  • Hoya bella (Miniature Wax Plant)
  • Maranta species (Prayer Plant)
  • Neanthe bella or Chamaedorea elegans (Parlor Palm)
  • Pellionia daveauana (Watermelon Pellionia, Satin Pellionia)
  • Peperomia species
  • Philodendron ‘Red Dwarf’’
  • Pilea (Creeping Charlie, Creeping Jenny, Aluminum Plant, Friendship Plant)
  • Saxifraga sarmentosa (Strawberry Begonia, Strawberry Geranium)
  • Selaginella (Club Moss, Spike Moss, Peacock Fern)
  • Sinningia pusillla
  • Syngonium or Nephrolepis species, miniature varieties (Arrowhead Plant)

Plants with one or more of the following words in their botanic (Latin) names MAY be suitable:

  • abbreviatus (shortened)
  • brevis (short)
  • forma minor (dwarf form)
  • humilis (low growing)
  • micro (small)
  • minima or minimus (very small)
  • minor (small)
  • nana or nanus (dwarf)
  • pumila or pumilus (dwarfish)
  • repens or reptans (creeping)




Lake St. Garden Center                      Salem, NH

Mahoney’s Garden Center                   Winchester and other locations

Russell’s Garden Center                     Wayland