
September Happenings

The fall months here in New Hampshire bring us so much beauty — by way of both fall colors and perfect weather. They also bring us some creepy-crawly roommates. For more about these invaders, check out Linda V’s October Hort Tips.

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At our September General Meeting, Betsy, Linda V. and their Environment & Conservation committee gave a short presentation about the 2019 Beautification Mini-Grant award recipients. Seven grants, for a total of $1800, were awarded. The recipients were:

  • Portsmouth – Greengard Center for Autism, entrance planters
  • North Hampton – Rye Beach Little Boar’s Head Garden Club, North Hampton Beach parking lot restoration part 2
  • Exeter – Folsom Acres Condo Association, planting to screen compost area
  • Exeter – Yoga Life Institute, plant herbs and edibles
  • Exeter – Intersection of Drinkwater and Hampton Rd., add stone perimeter to garden begun last year
  • Exeter – Tenant’s Council of the Exeter Housing Authority, add a perennial cutting garden for residents
  • Isle of Shoals – Star Island Flagpole Garden Sustainability Project

Star Island Flagpole garden
Star Islamd
Star Island
EHA Tenant’s Cutting Garden

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Speaking of General Meetings, Susan has in introduced an interesting new project for our meetings:

What will we see at the October meeting?

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How does sipping wine & tasting cheese on a chilly fall evening in a lovely home, surrounded by happy friends, sound? If you’re curious, go the the Promise Tree Page to have your questions answered.

Lee C. has shared some shots of her late season gardens…

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And finally, mysterious aliens were spotted admiring our flower boxes at the Exeter Bandstand. Probably snipped some cuttings to take back home with them.

Intrepid photographer: Jill C

July Happenings

Too hot to garden? Find a shady spot and enjoy the fruits of your labor!

Members found some beautiful shady spots for the July 18th get-together at Prescott Park in Portsmouth. The volunteer-maintained beds were well worth the visit, as you can see by these photos taken by Jill.

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Lee sent some pictures of her garden for all to enjoy…

Thanks, Lee! Your gardens are so diverse & interesting.

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If anyone is looking for a spectacular garden and home to tour this summer, I recommend the Beauport Estate in Gloucester, MA. Here are a few images of the garden – they don’t begin to do justice to this lovely setting on the ocean. The home is equally interesting – full of quirky and unusual designs and furnishings.

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This very weird-looking plant was spotted in the shady leaf-litter next to a driveway in Georgetown, MA. I guessed it was some kind of fungus, but I’m sure the more knowledgeable gardeners in our club know that is incorrect.

Can you name this? Click on the “Leave a comment” link at the bottom of this post and respond with your answer. I’ll send out the correct identification in an email.

June Happenings

The big news of June is the Annual Luncheon and Auction and we have some great photos of this year’s event, thanks to Ann H. Our attendance this year was up substantially from last year, and auction plants flew off the tables, compliments of Max’s auctioneering skills. Jill C and the Hospitality Committee made it all possible. Here are some of the hightlights…

Lucky winners went home with one of the lovely table centerpieces

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Mark your calendar for our summer get-together on Thursday, July 18, at 11 a.m. at Prescott Park in Portsmouth. Go to the website Calendar for more details.

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If you have any photos of your gardens that you’d like to share, email them to me (LuAnn) at my home email or to [email protected]. I’ll post them periodically through the summer for all to enjoy.

Butterfly Kit Results

Abbie Jane had great success with her butterfly kits…

Linda V.’s butterfly is just about ready to join the world…

Pat N. photographed her butterfly’s progress…

Leaving its chrysalis

Here is a photo of Ann H.’s newly emerged butterfly: