The crew was at it again – decorating the Historical Society this time! Nance has provided some shots of them at work.
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Guest Speaker Roger Swain
A really good show!
Exeter Area Garden Club and Rye Driftwood Garden Club hosted an entertaining and informative event on Tuesday, Nov. 19 featuring Roger Swain, former host of the Victory Garden. A large crowd enjoyed the Yankee wit and wisdom and hope to invite him back in the near future. Pictured with Mr. Swain are the clubs presidents, L- Patti Elwell (EAGC) and R-Becky Franz (RDGC).
Holiday Arrangement Workshop
The Design Committee will the hosting a Holiday Arrangement Workshop on Wednesday, December 11 from 2-4 p.m. at the Exeter Senior Center.
Watercolor Class
One of the Promise Tree events this month was a watercolor class given by new member Linda G at the Wiggin Memorial Library in Stratham. We learned how to properly use the medium and we all created a beautiful picture of sunflowers to take home.
Beautiful Garden Awards Presented
The Annual Civic Beautification and Horticulture Awards were awarded at the last meeting.