Nance was at Churchill’s recently and saw a beautiful indoor display of paperwhites planted in a birdbath. How beautiful that would be in the house for the winter. Churchill’s provided a leaflet with instructions on how to force paperwhites at home. Here is what you do:
Archive by Author | admin
Decorating The Historical Society
Spreading the Cheer
The Civic Beautification Committee and other club members helped make decorations for the Exeter Historical Society last Wednesday (November 28). Looks like a good time was had in doing so. Nance got it all on film!
Halloween Redux
Lynda has provided additional pictures from our Halloween Party. It is always fun to see our friends looking silly!
Bake Sale A Huge Success!
Big election turnout meant a great fund raising day for the Garden Club.
Fall Garden Box Design Class
The Design Committee held a class on October 24 at the Senior Center in Exeter. Making a Fall Garden Box was the theme. Nance was there and took pictures. Looks like everyone was working hard and having fun!