Helping At Stewart Park

On May 23 the Great Bay marker at the Robert H. Stewart Waterfront Park was officially dedicated. The park is near Swasey Parkway in downtown Exeter. A gathering, a few words on the Great Bay Estuary and a great many thanks were expressed to all that facilitated this project. On the day before, EAGC Member LuAnn Faber, who adopted the space many years ago, was spotted planting new salvia. This new site looks great thanks to volunteers like LuAnn. It is also the best place to be for the annual fireworks display. Continue reading

The Making Of A Logo

Design By Committee

Before & After Logos

How did we end up with a new logo? By committee, of course. We decided a while back that it was time to spruce up the old logo and come up with a more modern, easily recognizable version. A committee was formed with Diana at the helm. (We needed someone to herd the cats!) Max and Mel rounded out the group. We put on our creative hats and met to toss around  ideas. And toss we did! We came up with the idea of a Giant E with floral designs on it, like an illuminated letter from a manuscript. When the idea was presented to the club board, some felt it looked too much like the Phillips Exeter Academy Big E, so back to the drawing board….

With help and guidance from Dave and Beth over at Exeter Copy & More or ecm as they are now known, more ideas were developed. When we saw the wheelbarrow with its daisy, we were smitten.

Once the logo was decided upon, we went to work having a membership card, advertizing rack cards and stationary designed. You have all seen our wonderful banner that we proudly display at meetings and public events like the flower cookie sale. Patti went to work getting local businesses to offer club discounts to us which will be listed on our membership cards. Terri provided a beautiful photograph to decorate the rack cards. You will be seeing these items very soon.

And, as if all that wasn’t enough, Diana created three beautiful quilted aprons with the new logo for members to wear at our public promotions.

Reported by Max

Not bad for a committee!

EAGC Oval Logo