I am qualifying “Spring Happenings” with the adjective “Early” — lest I call up some bad Karma that brings us a foot of snow! That being said, a crocus was spotted in full bloom this week and my hyacinths are bravely poking up from the mulch to enjoy the sun.
Now it’s our turn to anticipate spring and gardening and, eventually, meeting in person again! Members who watched Kerry Ann Mendez’ video for the March General meeting were definitely in a gardening mood. Viewing and learning about all her gorgeous perennials in bloom was tantalizing enough to cause some serious plant envy and list-making. We had a spirited discussion about the video and perennials in general during our Zoom meeting and everyone in attendance got some new plant and design ideas for their gardens.
If you’d still like to see Kerry Ann’s video, it’s available to club members indefinitely. You’ll need a link and a password to access it, so contact Vicki or LuAnn for that info.
If you missed Wendy Fogg’s February presentation, “Armchair Plant Walk”, here’s your chance to see her great photos from the talk. Wendy is is the founder and Senior Herbalist at Misty Meadows in Lee. Her presentation can be viewed by clicking below:
Plans for our April General meeting, on April 15, are still in the works but info will be posted on our home page as soon as things are finalized. Also in the planning stage for one of our future meetings is a presentation by the Horticulture Committee.
On Wednesday, June 16, we hope to be meeting in person on the patio of the Portsmouth Country Club for our annual June Plant Auction and Luncheon. Since it’s been two long years since our last luncheon, here are some photos to remind us of how much fun these events are.
Helen’s son and other family members attended the annual luncheon to see her honored Our Auctioneer & President Beaming Scavenger Hunt Winners
As you know, our club is in the midst of a FunDrive, organized by Promise Tree chairs Johann and Edie. Since bake sales and yard sales are out of the question right now, we’re collecting unwanted items from our households which will be given to Savers, which will in turn make a contribution to our club. The response has been good, according to Johann, with a lot of members happy to unburden themselves to benefit the club. Our collection will be delivered to Savers on April 13. Details about the FunDrive can be found here.
Environment & Conservation is once again offering Beautification Mini-Grants to local individuals and businesses interested in beautifying a public space. They are available in the amounts of $100 to $400. Applications will be accepted between March 1 and May 1 and funds will be forwarded to recipients by May 15. If you know of anyone who would be interested in one of these grants, please pass on the word. The application can be found here.
Our Seed Library, started by Patti E. in cooperation with the Exeter Library and Rolling Green Nursery, has been enormously popular! The Seed Library, which is housed at the Exeter Library, has been well used, according to coordinator Dianne A., with people taking seeds and contributing their own to the collection. If you haven’t checked it out yet, be sure to stop at the library to look it over. The library is open to visitors – with masks and socially distanced.

Just a reminder that the minutes of each board and general meeting are published on our website each month, under “Members Only”. Our recording secretary, Lee C, does an excellent job of keeping track of our club business, keeping all members well informed at a time when we’re unable to attend meetings in person,
I am closing out this Happenings with a photo from Patti E.’s Facebook page, a stunning Ruby Star amaryllis. Add this beauty to the impressive amaryllis photos Ann H has been sharing in her EAGC Club Connections — blooms we definitely need in unpredictable March!