Members had garlic on their minds at the January general meeting. Speaker Margaret Witham filled us in on all the details about that pungent, spicy vegetable that smells heavenly in food but not so great on the breath. Margaret’s instructions on growing garlic in our climate likely inspired some members to give it a try.

Our photograper, Ann H., missed her calling – she would be excellent as a food photographer for Cook’s Illustrated!
Coming up at our Feb. 15th general meeting – UNH Extension Master Gardener Brian McPherson will share his strategies for success in creating gardens that produce “More Blossoms, Less Mowing.” His illustrated slide lecture will highlight recent volunteer work reviving an Audubon Center rain garden, the development of a pollinator meadow, and the transformation of his home gardens. If you share your yard with someone who prefers a broad expanse of Scotts-green lawn, bring him along. He may be persuaded to convert.
Also at the meeting, Environment and Conservation will be presenting Predatory Insects – as in parasitic flies and wasps, lacewings, ladybugs, ant lions, tiger beetles, ambush bugs, praying mantis, and dragonflies, among others. Learn to love your six-legged garden helpers! Or at least tolerate them.

In other E&C news, the Mini-Grant Program for 2024 is officially underway and is again looking for applicants who are creating or adding to pollinator gardens in Exeter and Stratham. If you know anyone who could benefit from one of the grants, refer them to our website. There’s info on the home page about the mini-grant requirements and a link to a printable application. They can find that link here.

Please don’t forget to fill out your Member Survey and bring it with you to the February meeting or mail it in the enclosed envelope if you can’t attend the meeting. Everyone’s feedback is very important to the future direction of our club. You should have received your survey in the mail this past week. If you didn’t receive it, please contact Nickky J. to get a copy or look for it at the February meeting.
Upcoming Events:
February 20 – Rye Driftwood Garden Club presents Joe Marttila owner of SeaBee Honey. For info, go to
February 21 – “Monet’s Garden at Giverny” presented by Martha Chiarachiaro. Sponsored by the Portsmouth Garden Club. Go to for details.
March 6 – “The Secret Lives of Native Bees” by Dr. Nick Dorian, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Chicago Botanic Garden. 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Free ONLINE via Zoom Webinar. Register here.
March 13 – Program: “Discovering New England Stone Walls” by Kevin Gardner. Sponsored by Old York Garden Club. Info at
February – Now is the perfect time for a winter bark amble in the Arnold Arboretum, with a focus on trees with smooth bark, according to director William (Ned) Friedman. Click here to see examples and to get more info.