Is it Labor Day so soon?! Our fading plants are telling us that summer is waning and it’s time to start thinking about fall garden chores. But before we put summer behind us, here are some reminders of our summer fun.
An August highlight was E&C’s Promise Tree event, Applelicious Afternoon. The E&C committee, led by Linda V, hosted a summer soiree featuring all things apple. Thanks go to Ann H and Vicky for documenting the fun with pictures.
The weather was ideal …
And apple-themed hats were strongly recommended, of course.
There was even an Apple Hat straight from Dr. Seuss.
And a prize went to this apple pie hat, complete with real pie crust.
What’s an Apple Party without delicious apple refreshments, provided by E&C …
And lovely flower arrangements, created by Betsy V?
Ann H snapped this picture of an uninvited (but welcome) visitor, then solved a mystery by identifiying it as a Hummingbird Clearwing moth (Hemaris Thysbe).
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EAGC’s first general meeting of the season is Thursday, Sept. 21, at 9:30 at the Stratham Municipal Center. Don’t miss it – we’ll be discussing the upcoming year, will hear about our mini-grant recipients, and will break into committees. A light brunch will also be provided.
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Welcome to our most recent new members — Audrey of Rye and Mary Jo of Stratham have joined EAGC. Be sure to introduce yourself at the next meeting!
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Finally, a few pictures submitted by Carole C of her lovely summer gardens: