What could go better with leftover Halloween candy than an entertaining look back at October’s garden club fun? Unwrap a couple of those mini candy bars and enjoy the pictures!
A hard-working team of volunteers cleaned up the plantings at the bandstand for the winter. Chair Nance J promised a sunny day for the job – and Mother Nature followed through.
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Liz Barbour impressed attendees with her “Edible Landscaping” presentation at the October General Meeting. Not only did she explain her recipes, but she also demonstrated them for an attentive audience, which included members of the Rye Driftwood Garden Club.
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“Halloween Howl”
A Promise Tree Event
A spooktacular time was had by eleven members of EAGC at a Halloween Promise Tree bash at Max’s home in Newburyport. Our hosts, Max and Betsy V., greeted guests, all of whom were decked out in Halloween colors… and/or costumes. Spooky tablescapes and ghoulish decor met guests at the door, with numerous zombies, black cats, crows, and witches greeting everyone throughout the rooms.
After libation, nibbles, chitchat, and a stroll through the garden, our party-givers presented guests with a smorgasbord of ghostly delights for lunch and dessert. Quizes and prizes and much laughter filled the afternoon. Everyone had a hauntingly good time and much appreciation goes to Max and Betsy for planning the event.
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Nancy B was the pleased winner of a surprise drawing at the September General Meeting. She went home with this very pretty sedum, after her name was drawn from the meeting attendees. The board will be holding other drawings at General Meetings — be sure to look for them at the Membership table.
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Mini-Grant Followup:
EAGC received the following thank you email and photo from one of the volunteer gardeners who tends to the beds in Swasey Parkway. She and her fellow volunteers were awarded one of our Beautification Mini Grants this past spring.
Bjarni Brown wrote:
I just wanted to update the EAGC about our use of the 2017 mini-grant we were awarded.
4 Swasey Parkway volunteers met this morning (Oct. 29) to plant $200 worth of bulbs at 3 different locations on Swasey Parkway in Exeter. We planted various tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, scilla and crocus at the Entrance Garden, pavilion and “the rock.” I have attached a picture of Lilly Moran, of Exeter, who helped out. She was working to fulfill her Community Service hours through her 6th grade at CMS. Also in the picture are Susan Moran (volunteer) and Mark Damsell, Swasey Parkway Trustee.
Once again, thank you very much for awarding us this grant. Swasey Parkway will have beautiful spring bulbs for all to enjoy this coming spring!
Bjarni Brown 
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New to The Website:
The minutes of EAGC’s Board and General Meetings will be posted each month on a new website page titled “Meeting Minutes”. This page can be found under “Members Only” on the site. To see the minutes from the most recent meetings, click here.
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A Reminder:
If you know of a member who would enjoy receiving a card from our club — get-well, sympathy, encouragement — please contact Florence W, our Corresponding Secretary, and Florence will send the appropriate card. You can find her contact info on the website under “Members Only” or in your Yearbook.
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If you’re having any problems with the links on this post, or have any other website-related questions or issues, don’t hesitate to contact me. That’s why I’m here!