September Happenings

Our season has started off with a bang — the September General Meeting was very well attended, with everyone happy to see each other and anxious to catch up on the summer’s news. Despite lots of conversation and a beautiful spread of refreshments, members were able to get down to business. Our new President, Susan C., updated us on club news and introduced the Committee Chairs, who briefly described their functions. The committees then met individually to lay out plans for the upcoming year.

Linda V. discusses Environment & Conservation’s 2018 Mini-Grant award winners at the September Meeting.

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One of the first exciting events of this season is a Field Trip to the Woodman Museum in Dover. This is a Promise Tree event offered by Johann. She has planned a trip to Dover that includes brunch at Harvey’s Bakery & Coffee Shop, followed by a tour of the Woodman Museum.

The date is Wednesday, October 10. A carpool will leave from the Stratham Public Library at 9:30 am. RSVP to Johann by Oct. 1.

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Lee has shared some lovely pictures of her summer garden. This is her celosia bed:

And here is her re-blooming iris:

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Environment & Conservation Chair, Linda V., provided members with some great posters of  our 2018 Mini-Grant Award Recipients at the September meeting. For those who couldn’t attend the meeting or didn’t get a chance to see the posters, visit the Mini-Grant page of the website to see some terrific photos of  the gardens our hard-earned grant money funded this year. Carol C., who volunteers at Seacoast Family Promise, also shared pictures of  the vegetable gardens that she helps SFP grow for the benefit of their clients. They had a very productive year, judging by the photos!

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For anyone who’s always wanted to learn about landscape design, the Landscape Design School of Massachusetts is offering a course on Oct. 25 & 26 in Lexington, MA. For more information about the class, check out their website here.

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