Our new gardening season is almost upon us – marking another summer that disappeared before our very eyes. Judging by the photos submitted by members, we spent our break enjoying the hard work we and others have invested in nurturing beautiful things. The highlight club activity of August was Lee C.’s design workshop. Ann H. provides us with these words and photos:
What fun members had learning the basics of flower arranging with Lee at her home recently. She is such a natural arranger who effortlessly blends technical skill with creative expression as evidenced by her latest Ogunquit Museum’s Art in Bloom design. Members were fortunate to be guided through arranging techniques, balance and harmony by crafting their own designs with feedback from Lee. How lucky we were to have access to Lee’s gardens and gorgeous umbrella pine tree! Assisting Lee were Jane J., Kathryn J. and Ann H.

A note from our new President, Vicki…
The Promise Tree is a well-loved tradition for our Garden Club. Members participate in events outside of our regular meetings for the purpose of enjoying a fun time together; as well as providing funds for the community projects that we offer, such as: Civic Beautification, Mini Grants and Scholarships.
We encourage members to offer an event or service. The Promise Tree gets a new leaf, and the host provides a sign-up sheet for her event. This sheet provides date, time, place, theme, the number of people that can attend, and the price of the event (we value the social aspect more than funds).
We have created a new ADVOCATE position, on trial, as we are trying to revive the Promise Tree after our COVID years. Please volunteer to ensure the Promise Tree set-up looks great for your month, be available to answer questions, and encourage new events with our empty leaves. Consider pairing up as Advocates to mingle more during the social hour. Let us try for a full and healthy tree this year to display at our June Luncheon.
The Advocate sign-up sheet is included in your most recent club email or sign up at the next meeting.
Club News
Our first Board meeting of the season will be held at 9:30 on Thursday, Sept. 5, at the Stratham Municipal Center in the Hutton Room.
In case you’ve lost track of your week, the summer maintenance schedules for the Stratham Veterans Garden and the American Independence Museum are now posted on the website, under Members Only. Don’t forget to notify the next person on the list at the end of your week!
Our September 19th general meeting will feature the Awards Presentations for Outstanding Commercial and Residential Gardens. After touring nominated gardens and much deliberation, the Awards committee has made some difficult choices and will reveal them at the meeting. We will also hear committee overviews from the chairs and hopefully have time for some committee discussions. The meeting starts at 9 a.m. at the Morgera Room of the Stratham Fire Department.
Other Plant News
Want more info about where and how plants originated? The five-part Ancient Earth series from PBS NOVA and the BBC is available to stream on pbs.org/nova, NOVA on YouTube, and the PBS app. The series uses realistic animation based on the latest research to explore the dramatic history of Earth, from its formation to the emergence of humans.
Can you guess why the name tulip comes from the Turkish word tülbent which means “turban”? How about why the petunia gets its name from the Tupi word petí̵ma which means “tobacco”? Check out this website for your etymological answers. Flower Etymologies For Your Spring Garden | Merriam-Webster.
For those of you with night-blooming Cereus who are patiently waiting for a bloom, Carmen G. has discovered a foolproof way to get blooms out of a recalcitrant plant. Being much discouraged that her large, healthy Cereus has refused to produce, she gave it an ultimatum: “bloom this summer or it’s the compost for you.” Well, here’s the result, as of 11 p.m. on the 24th.

Here’s the bloom’s progression from Aug. 14 to the 25th.

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Lastly, more wonderful photos from Lynda B. “I helped my daughter feed cows, goats, and rabbits on the Appleton Farm in Ipswich, Mass. where she volunteers; a doorway in Ipswich; a smoky sunset in Exeter.”